Course Designation

The University of Northern Iowa’s initiative - Enhancing Service-Learning at UNI - allows faculty/instructors to designate their courses as a service-learning course.

The service-learning (SL) designation allows students to intentionally seek out courses that include a high-impact practice. High-impact educational practices have been proven to be significantly beneficial for students of all backgrounds.  

Information to Consider When Applying for the SL Designation

Prior to applying for the service-learning designation, faculty/instructors are encouraged to review:

  • The definition and criteria for the SL designation
  • The types of service-learning that can be embedded into a course
  • The difference between service-learning, volunteering/community service, traditional internships/practicums
  • The phase of the Three-Phased Model addressed in your service-learning course to consider the student’s skills and knowledge so to design an appropriate experience (Howe, Coleman & Hamshaw, 2014)

Application for Service-Learning Course Designation

The service-learning course designation requires:

  • Click here for the application. Please review the PDF of the application to prepare your answers. 
  • Please attach the course syllabus and any assignment instructions, guidelines, and other information about your course/project that supports the service-learning component. 

Frequently Asked Questions



Should you have further inquiries about the service-learning designation review or designation process, please contact Julianne Gassman at or 319-273-2204.

Additional Resources

These links contain great activities, information, and research that you can use with your students and/or may work well as you address the development of civic agency into courses.