
At the University of Northern Iowa, service-learning is a class-based experience, informed by/co-created with community partners, intended to expand and deepen discipline-specific knowledge and skills, strengthen the community, and develop a student’s sense of civic responsibility. Service-learning is the integration of service and learning to enhance each.

  • Service-learning activities align with academic coursework, providing a deeper understanding of the academic discipline.
  • Service-learning activities align with community strengths and needs AND faculty prepare students to work with the community partner.
  • Faculty engage students in purposeful and guided reflection.
  • Service-learning activities prepare students for active citizenship and social responsibility and builds students’ cultural competence for engaging with diverse populations in diverse settings.

Spring 2025 Service-Learning Courses 

ACCT 3055: VITA: Individual Income Tax Preparation 

ARTED 2500 (2 sections): Foundations in Art Education 

ART 3030: Graphic Design- II

COMM 3455: Storytelling & Identity

COMM 4444: Communication, Community, and Change 

COMM DM 3651: Advanced Digital Media Production: TV Studio Live/News

ECON 3125: Economics of Sustainability 

ELEMCML 3149: Child, Family, School and Community Relationships

ENGLISH 1005: College Writing & Research, Section 2

ENGLISH 4785/5785: Applied Writing: Projects, Grants & Careers

ENGR 1000: Introduction to Engineering & Professional Practice

ENGR 4500: Interdisciplinary Senior Design 

FAM SERV 1210: The Creative Experience

FAM SERV 2060: Strategies and Issues in Family Services

GEOG 1211(2 sections): Planet Earth Lab

HIST 1011: Field Experience: Public History

MGMT 3159: Leadership Effectiveness: Unleashing Your Potential 

MKTG 3586/5586: Entrepreneurial Strategy 

PH 1101: Introduction to Public Health 

PH 3140: Planning & Evaluation of Public Health & Health Promotion Programs

POL AMER 2147: Law, Politics & Society

POL AMER 4188: Race and Public Policy

RTNL 2120: Foundations of Tourism 

RTNL 2210/4210: Nonprofit Leadership Practicum ( Levels 1&2)

RTNL 4998: Technology, Cross-Cultural & Evidence-Based Practices in TR

SPAN 4045/5045: Translation

SW 1001 (Sections 1&2): Introduction to Social Work and Social Services

TECH 2114: Making Cool Stuff

TECH 3150: Graphic Communication Imaging

TESOL 3110: Structure of English 

TESOL 4510/5510: Language Development 

THEATRE 2055: Devised Theatre 

UNIV 1010: First-Year Cornerstone: Integrated Communications I (Select Sections Only) 

College of Education 

ELEMECML 3149 - Child, Family, School, and Community Relationships 

HPE 4383/5383- Health Promotion Implementation and Advocacy 

RTNL 2210/4210/5210 - Nonprofit Leadership Practicum 1 & 2 

RTNL 2130- Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector

RTNL 3378/5778: Community Based Tourism 

RTNL 4998- Technology, Cross-Cultural, & Evidence-Based Practices in TR


Wilson College of Business 

ACCT 3055 - Section 1 & 2 -VITA: Individual Income Tax Preparation 

ECON 3125- Economics of Sustainability 

MGMT 3159- Leadership Effectiveness: Unleashing your potential 

MGMT 3183- Leadership Skills

MKTG 3586/5586- Entrepreneurial Strategy 


College Social & Behavioral Sciences

FAM SERV 1210- The Creative Experience

FAM SERV 2060- Strategies and Issues in Family Services 

GEOG 1211 (Sections 1&2)- Planet Earth Lab

GEOG 4170/5170- Climate Action Planning

HIST 1011 - Section 1 & 2 - Field Experience: Public History 

PH 1101- Introduction to Public Health

PH 3140- Planning & Evaluation of Public Health & Health Promotion Programs 

POL Amer 1048- Current & Emerging Issues in Public Administration

POL AMER 2147: Law, Politics & Society

POL AMER 4188- Race and Public Policy

SW 1001 - Section 1 & 2 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Services  


College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences

ART 3030- Graphic Design-II 

ARTED 2500- Foundations in Art Education

ARTHIST 4950- Race and Representation in Art

ARTHIST 5003- Collections and Care Management 

CAP 3131- Rhetoric, Environment, and Community Engagement  

COMM DM 3651- Advanced Digital Media Production: Television News

COMM 3455- Storytelling & Identity  

COMM 4444/5444- Communication, Community, and Change

COMM 4544- Digital Culture & Communication

COMM 4765- Applied Writing: Workplace Communication 

English 1005- College Writing & Research

English 3710- Craft of Creative Nonfiction 

English 4192- English Senior Seminar: Literary and Digital Culture

English 4775/5775- Applied Writing: Specialized Documents

English 4785/5875- Applied Writing: Projects, Grants and Careers

English 5765- Applied Writing: Workplace Communication 

RELS 4490- Professional Development Seminar

SPAN 3003- Advanced Conversation and Reading 

SPAN 4045- Translation 

SPAN 5045- Translation 

TECH 3150- Graphic Communication Imaging 

TECH 4159- Interdisciplinary Senior Design

TESOL 4110- The Structure of English

TESOL 4510/5510- Language Development 

Theater 1050- Creative Drama

Theater 2055- Devised Theatre

University Interdisciplinary Courses 

UNIV 1000- Cornerstone I 

UNIV 1010- Cornerstone II 

UNIV 219- Seminar: Housing Inequality & the Legacy of Redlining in Iowa

UNIV 4555- Interactive Digital Studies Practicum 


Types of Service-Learning

Indirect Service-Learning: Not always visible

Working indirectly with individuals and organizations to address a community issue or need.


  • Painting rain barrels for land and water conservation efforts
  • Revitalizing buildings and structures
  • Creating a community garden
  • Creating promotional materials for local organizations
Community garden

Direct Service-Learning: Usually visible

Working directly with individuals and organizations to address a community issue or need.


  • Tutoring other students and adults
  • Serving meals to the homeless
  • Volunteering for disaster services
Tutoring students

Advocacy Service-Learning

Planning, conducting and/or creating awareness initiatives and events to address a community issue or need.


  • Bringing in a guest speaker and discussion on a topic of interest in a community (author of "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone")
  • Educating and promoting pesticide-free lawns among local schools, daycares and churches (Green Iowa)
  • Working with elected officials to draft legislation to improve communities
Guest speaker

Research-Based Service-Learning

Collecting, analyzing and/or implementing qualitative and quantitative data to address a community issue or need.


  • Analyzing an organization’s survey results to evaluate the effectiveness of their program
  • Conduct energy audits in public buildings
  • Compiling history facts
Analyzing survey results